FAQs About Crystal Healing: Let’s address some common questions and misconceptions about crystal healing shall we!
Oh, hello there! I’m Annie Eclectic, and I wanted to work on growing my blog content, something I’ve tried over and over again and not yet achieved. So, welcome my friend to a cheeky FAQ guide to crystal healing and get the crystal ball rolling.
Does it cover everything? No, we’d be here for years getting old and gracefully grey together if it did, but it does cover some of the really basic stuff that is essential to get you growing and flowing in your crystal healing practice.
Crystal healing and the use of crystals is a practice that has been around across the world's civilisations for thousands of years, probably longer! Used by many for its potential to bring protection, cleanse and clear energy and promote balance and harmony in the body, mind, and spirit. As more people become interested in crystals, I have come across lots of questions, curiosities and misconceptions about how they work. So, in this blog, hand in hand we shall venture forward and explore some of the most frequently asked questions and bring clarity to “myths” so you can feel empowered in your personal crystal journey. Let's go!
- What The Heck Is Crystal Healing and How Does It Work?
No place like the beginning to start ey! Crystal healing is an alternative holistic therapy that uses the vibrational energy of crystals to interact with a being's energy field, the energetic body, most commonly known as the aura. Each crystal has its unique frequency and properties or benefits that can help with emotional, mental, spiritual or physical healing. For example, Amethyst is often used for calming, balancing, and helping with addictive tendencies, and Rose quartz is known for being the stone of unconditional love promoting nurture, self-love and emotional healing.

In my practice, I use crystals as a core in combination with corresponding energy and metaphysical healing techniques, creating safe spaces that allow the body to realign and release stagnant or stuck energy. Some of this is done through distance crystal healing and creating cosmic armour in the form of wire wrapped crystal jewellery or items that can be placed in your environment.
- Are Crystals Scientifically Proven to Heal?
Well, the quick and honest answer here is Nope, it has not yet been proven by scientific exploration! Warning, this section might get a bit long because I love the “nerdy” stuff and my personal opinion is that science is a slow discovery of magick that is constantly growing and evolving and that is really exciting!
While crystals aren’t directly proven to cure diseases or ailments, and in my practice, this is not something I entertain, there is a fascinating scientific concept that highlights the energetic properties of certain crystals: the piezoelectric effect. This effect occurs when pressure is applied to certain crystals, such as quartz, generating an electric charge. And though this effect has been leveraged to be used widely in technology it’s the perfect example of a bridge, step or nod towards our scientific knowledge and exploration moving towards discovering why people like myself and many, many others experience “something” from the effects of crystals. And sometimes those “somethings” are wildly incredible!
The piezoelectric effect is widely used in modern technology. For example, the highly abundant quartz crystals that are found in clocks, watches, laptops, phones, and even ultrasound machines, where they work to convert electrical energy into sound waves or stabilise frequencies. It’s all very cool!
The discovery of this effect shows us that crystals are capable of interacting with energy fields, which forms the foundation for how some of us believe they work in energy healing. And who knows, maybe one day soon we will start to see some evidence through scientific discovery of the what, where, why and how of crystal healing! After all, we are always discovering new things every day, right? The exploration of how meditation greatly benefits your health is only recently being quantified but has been practised for a hecking long time, so who knows what will be next.
Within the mystical land of crystal healing, the theory is that crystals interact with the body’s energetic field or aura, to influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. While yes this is 100% more metaphysical in nature, again the piezoelectric effect serves as a proven and tangible example of how crystals hold and release energy, offering that very important bridge between science and spirituality.
This understanding and recognition of crystals emitting and holding frequencies really contribute to our understanding of why many people feel shifts and changes in their energy when using crystals in meditation or healing practices. All this is done without even exploring the concepts of colour therapy and the way colour frequencies affect our bodies, which have their part to play in why certain crystals are associated with certain energy centres or chakras. We as humans have electromagnetic fields within us, our aura is an electromagnetic field so it makes complete sense that something like a crystal that can hold and release an electric form of energy would interact with our electromagnetic field.
If one day someone could tell me the how and why, scientifically, I can work with the energy of people across the world, or just down the road, through the power of crystals I will have an actual party! But for now, I am unbelievably grateful for the connection and gift that I have to connect with the energy of the earth, the cosmos and those I have the humbling pleasure of working with.
- Do You Need to Believe in Crystals for Them to Work?
Oooo great question! A very common misconception is that you have to believe in the power of crystals for them to work. While an open mind 1000% helps and will grant you better results, it’s not actually necessary. As we just talked about in the sciency question crystal healing works with energy alignment, vibration and frequencies and how this interacts with our physical and energetic bodies, which means that the energy is still present whether you consciously believe in it or not. Even the most controlled person can’t control those magical neurotransmitters inside of us all.
But, as I previously said being receptive, open-minded and welcoming of the energy can definitely amplify the experience. When you are open to the idea that healing can come from sources like the various modalities I work with here at MiniMoon Arts such as crystals, mindfulness, nature, and colour therapy you create a beautiful space for that energy to flow to more freely. In my experience, clients often feel shifts in their energy whether they are sceptics or full believers! Though be warned, what you think you want and what you get aren't always the same thing. Energy will do what’s needed.
Which Crystals Should Beginners Start With?
Embarking on your crystal journey is so exciting but can be a bit overwhelming because there is just such a vast variety of crystals available. So I actually created a beginner's crystal kit that you can purchase to get yourself going.
In that kit, I provide six different crystals but for the sake of this blog I will stick to the core three:
- Clear Quartz: Known as the "Master Healer," clear quartz can amplify energy and intentions. This crystal is perfect for any circumstance from grounding to connecting with your inner wisdom.
- Amethyst: Nature's tranquilliser. This crystal is great for bringing calm and balance into your life. And spiritual insight, this stone is perfect for those dealing with stress or anxiety.
- Rose Quartz: Often referred to as the “Stone of Unconditional Love”, this is ideal for heart healing and self-nurture, whether you’re working on self-love or working on relationships in your life.
These crystals are very abundant and easy to find and because they are so versatile they are a wonderful starting point for anyone just entering the world of crystal healing. You can use them in so many ways but a fabulous place to start is meditation, carrying them with you, wearing them in jewellery or placing them in your home to create a calming environment.
If you’re not too sure about the kit you can download my completely free beginner's guide to crystals PDF here to increase your knowledge in this truly mystical wonderful world.
- How Do I Cleanse and Charge My Crystals?
This is actually a really big subject and I will probably do a separate blog on this subject with greater depth but for now, I’m actually going to copy and paste the section that I have on this as part of my free beginner's guide and expand a bit here and there.
Crystals carry energy, we ask them to do a lot for us and in turn we have to care for and nurture them. One of those actions is cleansing them. As their nature is to pick up and absorb energy they will be picking up vibrations and energy from everyone they come into contact with. So as soon as a crystal comes to you you need to cleanse it to remove the energy of being handled when removed from the earth, perhaps they were tumbled or carved, they will have travelled and been handled through whatever manner they were delivered to you and this all leaves an energy print. This is not the energy you want to welcome to your practice. And once you have claimed a piece you really should try to avoid others touching it unless it's working with a collective family energy for example.
Do this at least once a month, or whenever the crystal feels full or heavy, to remove any old and unneeded energy the crystal could be holding within. Once cleansed your crystal will be brighter, lighter and ready for action to help you wherever your journey is flowing. Here are a few basic and accessible ways to do this:
- Sound Cleansing - This is the most accessible cleansing method. Using bells, singing bowls, drums or gently banging some pans together around your crystals (and home space) will cleanse held energy from them. The vibrations of the sound break down the molecules of the energy moving them out of the crystal. In addition, you don’t even need those fancy tools you can simply give them a round of applause clapping to create the sounds, and you can sing to them or play music to them.
- Smoke Cleansing - Surrounding and luxuriating your crystals with smoke will also cleanse them and is probably the most “known” method. Please be mindful when using smoke cleansing of any animals or others who may be in your space that could be respiratorily affected. Ensure you are not using white sage to avoid any issues with cultural appropriation. If you do choose to use a bundle rather than an incense stick you can use other non-toxic herbs such as rosemary or lavender. You can also source English sage rather than white sage.
- Place your crystals in a bowl of salt - The absorbative nature of salt makes this a wonderful cleansing method. Remember to throw your salt away and don’t put all that bad energy on your chips. Please do not put it onto the earth as it is toxic and will damage the environment.
- Selenite / Satin Spar - a quick and easy way to cleanse your crystals! Simply place your crystals on this fabulous salt-based cleansing stone and let it do its magic drawing out and neutralising the absorbed energies. (Remember to occasionally cleanse your selenite with one of these other methods!)
Work with intention for all these methods and keep going until it feels right to stop. The energy will let you know. Most advice would be to do this for at least 5 minutes.
Top Tip: make sure you have a window or door open in the space so the energy has somewhere to go.
Some more advanced methods of Cleansing your crystals are to use the light of the sun or the moon, you have to be mindful of these energies and ensure you are bringing the right intention into your crystals. I will likely speak more on this in another blog in the future. Another common cleansing method is with running water and salt water, please do your research as to which crystals are appropriate for this kind of cleansing. For example, selenite would dissolve and disappear because it’s a salt-based crystal!
This is an interesting topic and there will be so many different methods talked about within the community, the reason for this is that it’s a very personal part of your practice and is where you are really bringing yourself into the working.
It’s very likely you will have seen somewhere to put your crystals out on a full moon to charge them, put them in sunlight etc etc. Yes, you can do but that's not actually what charges them. What charges your crystals is you, your intention, your energy. You can amplify these intentions with the energy of the sun and moon but make sure you know which phase of the moon you’re working with and only leave your crystals in the early morning or late evening sun for a short time to avoid risking colour fading your crystal.
You don’t need a fancy ritual to get the most out of your crystal. Be intentional, be raw and connect with your crystal and that will build your relationship with it. You charge your crystals by sharing your energy with them. Always handle them with love, care and respect as you are expecting them to help and guide you as you journey through life. The way you treat your crystals is often representative of how you treat yourself so by bringing that loving kindness to your beautiful allies you’ll likely start treating yourself with greater loving kindness. Programme, or inspire them with intention! Hold and explore them, use your intuition and tell them exactly how you would like them to help you!
- What Are the Most Common Misconceptions About Crystal Healing?
Oh gosh, there are many myths around crystal healing, so let’s chat about some of them:
- Okay, here’s a good one "Crystals need to be expensive to work." No no no absolutely not, this isn’t true at all. The power of a crystal lies within. In its molecular structure, the lattice and habit that physically form the crystal and within its energetic properties, not its price. There are a lot of crystals with “trade” names that are pushed much like a brand and sellers raise the price. A simple clear quartz tumblestone can be just as powerful as a rare gemstone.
- "You need special powers to use crystals." Nah, Crystal healing is accessible to everyone and anyone! That’s why I love it so much, these ancient Earth gems don’t discriminate. You can be an experienced practitioner or just starting, absolutely anyone can benefit from using crystals with the right intention.
- "Crystals can cure diseases." Eeeee mate. This is not something I will ever prescribe to in my business. While crystals can support emotional, mental, and spiritual health and all of these are of course connected to our physical well-being, they are not substitutes for medical treatment. Think of them as complementary tools that can aid and elevate in your overall wellness journey.
- Can You Use Crystals with Other Healing Modalities?
YES Absolutely! Do it! I know I do.
Crystal healing is referred to as a “holistic” therapy. The word holistic speaks of the whole body and the interconnectivity of the mind, body and spirit. So anything you bring in like crystal healing acts as part of the “whole” treatment in symbiosis with other healing practices and medicine. It is not a replacement for anything but an addition and a way of working with your energy to help with whatever you may be going through.
Crystals work beautifully with other holistic healing practices both traditional and non-traditional modalities such as Reiki, meditation, mindfulness, art and creative therapy, colour therapy and traditional talk therapy or CBT. Crystals are great for bringing focus during meditation which can be hard to achieve, this can be visual, tactile or energetic focus which can go a long way to deepening your connection with your intuition and intentions.
Crystals can also be used in distance healing sessions, which is my area of speciality. In these sessions, I tune into your energy from afar and work with the crystals that have called to be used in your session to help align and balance your energy field, release stuck energy with gratitude and thanks, and pass intuitively heard messages to you.
- How Long Does It Take to Feel the Effects of Crystal Healing?
This is a question where I really truly have to emphasise the uniqueness of you. Everyone’s experience of crystal healing is different and in turn, almost every session of the hundreds I have done has been different. Connecting with you and your energy is such a personal experience and as such how you receive the energy working will be different too. This means that the timeline for experiencing the effects of your crystal healing session whether it’s from a practitioner like myself or a self-created session will vary from person to person. Some may feel immediate shifts and changes in energy, while for others, it can take longer. Often times it can be a series of events or changes in feeling and mindset. And very often it can come through in a surprising, unexpected but highly welcomed way. It’s important to remember that healing is not a one-and-done situation and there is no one-size-fits-all. We call it a journey for a reason and I speak so much about the “flow, heal and grow” of the process because it’s important to acknowledge that it takes work and consistency to have a successful healing journey.
In my own personal experience, and my clients, those who use their crystals regularly in their meditation or self-care routines, such as wearing their cosmic armour crystal jewellery, tend to notice gentle and gradual improvements in their emotional and mental well-being. And for pieces that have been worked with regularly with intention you can feel an instant effect, perhaps a piece of amazonite for courage and compassion or a piece of black tourmaline for protection. The instant that piece connects with your energy the crystal's benefits will kick in (Can you tell the crystals I wear most regularly?).
Whether you experience an instant energetic release or a slow, steady change, crystal healing is a powerful tool and practice for long-term growth and healing.
Well, that’s your lot for this particular FAQ, it’s actually longer than I anticipated but I really hope you learnt something new and it answered some of your burning questions! If you’d like me to do another one with other questions you have please let me know!
I know I am biased but I truly believe that Crystal healing is a versatile and deeply personal practice that can offer so many benefits to your life. Whether you're just starting or an old hat who’s been working with crystals for years, there’s always more to learn and experience. If you’re curious about incorporating crystals into your life or want to deepen your healing journey, then please check out the cosmic armour offerings I have in my store, reach out to me if you are interested in distance healing sessions, bespoke cosmic armour crystal jewellery or even if you just want to further this conversation. You can reach me through my contact form, by email at annie@minimoonarts or on Instagram.
If you also have a passion small business you might be interested in exploring my membership on Patreon for small business owners The Glimmer Seekers Collective where we incorporate energy work and less traditional practices into our businesses and just be a loving community that gets that this journey as a business owner can be a touch lonely.
Don’t forget to grab your free Beginners Guide to Crystals and join my email subscriber family.
Thank you so much for reaching the end of this blog and I hope to see you back here for the next one but in the meantime why not say hi to me on socials!
Big love, Annie xxxx
Crystal healing, Benefits of crystal healing, How crystals work, Amethyst healing properties, Rose quartz for self-love, Clear quartz master healer, How to cleanse crystals, Crystal energy healing, Distance crystal healing, Crystals for beginners, Piezoelectric effect in crystals, Energy healing with crystals, How to charge crystals, Smudging vs smoke cleansing, Metaphysical properties of crystals, Holistic healing with crystals, Sustainable sage cleansing, Crystal jewellery healing, Chakra balancing with crystal